Friday, June 8, 2012


I am wrong, but I do not offer an apology,
And nor do I feel you deserve one.
I am wrong, beautifully incomplete,
Knowing that I’m still growing and shame on you for trying to stunt my growth.
I am wrong, still a student to my teachers both in and out of school,
Why do you try to deprive me, them, and us of lessons that are so badly needed to be taught and learned?
I am wrong, to still see a light at the end of the tunnel,
And for you to try to hinder my vision.
I am wrong, but I am human,
And so are You.
Memory or Movie
A memory slated to replay as if a movie in my mind
A movie to which I know ends badly, but I cant force myself to turn away
As the plot thickens, I once again become enchanted
Soon forgetting the ultimate destruction of the hero, so I pray for a happy ending
As the climax and regression grow close, I realize the spell the memory, movie has over me
Wanting it to end happily, going on a tangent to believe that the hero got what’s fair
But in reality, nothing is fair and is foolish to wish that
So I sit in the movie theater, bedroom, rehashing the final scenes
Cursing you for not fading like memories, movies are supposed to